Do you have a collection / list of movies and TV shows that you want to keep track of? Or perhaps you have books or music that you want to track… or maybe you just need a place to type a list in general. If so, the templates on this page are the perfect place to track your lists and collections!
Below are a variety of list templates for Google Sheets. Read more about them below, and select the right one for you.
Simple / general list template
Book list template (Book tracker)
Combined media list template (Movies, Shows, Books, Music)
Click here to see the inventory template for Google Sheets

Personally, when I use the template I only use the “Title” and “Genre” columns for movies and shows, but the templates have lots of extra information that you can enter for each movie, show, book, or music.
You can indicate whether you own the movie, if you have watched it yet, where to find it, how long it is, who stars in it, when it was released… and you can also leave notes, or a review for the movie. Most of the columns have drop-down menus that allow you to easily fill in the needed information.
Different media types will have different column names. For example, for books you can enter the author, how many pages the book is or how many pages you have read. For TV shows, you can enter the number of seasons and episodes that each show has, or what episode / season that you are currently on.
As described below, you can customize the genres that are available in the drop-down menus, and you can also customize the options for selecting the format / location of the media.
Instructions for using the list templates
- Fill in the title of the movie, show, book, or music
- Type the genre manually, or fill out the “Genres” list on the “Genres & Formats” tab, which will allow you to select the genre from the drop down on the main tracking / list tab(s)
- You can also fill out the “Formats / Locations” list (i.e. DVD, Netflix, etc.) on the “Genres & Formats” tab, to enable to use of more drop-down menus
- Fill in any additional information that you want in the main tracking / list tabs
- For templates with multiple list tabs, you can click on the “Combined List” tab to view the combines lists / tabs
In the tabs where you type your lists, you can sort the sheet by any column that you want, by following these steps:
- Right click at the top of the column that you want to sort by
- After the menus pops up, click “Sort sheet A – Z”
So you can sort your lists by title, or by genre, or by any other column.
Customize the genres and formats
All of the templates except for the simple version, give you the ability to customize your drop-down menu options for genres, as well as for formats / locations.
For example, I wanted to add a “Christmas” genre to my movie template, so I clicked on the “Genres & Formats” tab, and typed “Christmas” into the “Genre List” column. This adds the “Christmas” genre to the drop-down menus on the “Movies” tab.
The movie list template has one tab for movies and another for TV shows, and so in this version there are separate columns in the “Genres & Formats” tab for movies and TV shows, so that you can select custom genres individually, for movies and TV shows. This also goes for the combined media list template, where you can select the genres etc. for movies, shows, books, and music.
For “Formats and Locations” if some of your movie collection is on DVD, and some is on VHS, and some is owned on a streaming service… you can enter these options into the “Genres & Formats” tab, in the “Formats / Locations” column, as shown in the example below. Again, doing this will add these options to the drop down menu in the main tracker tabs.

View the “Combined List” tab to see movies and shows in the same tab
On the movie list template (contains movies and shows), as well as the combined media list template, there is a “Combined List” tab that combines all of the tabs into one single list. So you will type the movie list on one tab, and the show list on another tab, but you can click the “Combined List” tab to see your entire movie / show collection in one place.
The “Combined List” tab is sorted first by “Type”, and then by “Title”. This tab is sorted by a formula, so don’t try to sort it manually (like you can do in the “list” tabs).
Simple / general list template
This template has one simple tab that can be used to track any type of list that you want, whether it is a media list, a collection of items, or anything else.
Simply type your list, and sort it however you would like.
You can modify the column headers for any purpose that you need. By default, the headers are designed for listing media, but they can be changed to whatever you want. The headers are already frozen in place so that you can see them as you scroll down your list, and they are formatted to look professional and easy to read.
Movie & Show list template
This template allows you to keep track of your favorite movies and shows, or can also be used for tracking your movie collection.
Book list template (Book tracker)
This template allows you to keep track of your favorite books, your book collection, and it also will help you keep track of where you are in each book that you are reading.
Music list template
This template will let you keep track of all your favorite music, or can also be used to keep track of your music collection.
Combined media list template (Movies, Shows, Books, Music)
This template allows you to track your favorite movies, shows, books, and music, all in a single template.

I hope that you enjoy these list templates!
See more Google Sheets templates